Got a big move coming up on the horizon for your family? Now’s the time to start squaring away all the details, particularly in regards to your children’s new school. While it can all be pretty exciting time for your family right now, it can also be very scary as everyone faces the unknown.
Your kids in particular may be apprehensive about starting a new school and meeting new people. The key to it all is to be well prepared. Check out these tips for helping your kiddos adjust to a new school when moving to the Dublin CA area.
Prepare Everyone
The most successful transition starts with preparation. You will have to handle a few vital things before they head off to the new school, such as registering them, taking a tour, meeting the principal, and gathering all school and health records.
It would even be a good idea to take a test run prior to the starting day if you can. Get up at the time you would for school and drive the bus route. Familiarize yourself with the school’s drop off and pick up lanes. Get school supply lists from the teachers and stock up now.
Encourage Participation in Activities
According to Today.com, the best way your kids can become acclimated to their new school and meet friends is to get involved in clubs and sports teams. These worthwhile and healthy outlets can provide the spark they need to get involved.
Whether it’s film club or soccer, encourage them to explore their interests and engage in team activities and sports. They will stay busy and meet new people at the same time.
Listen to All Concerns
Rather than downplay their fears and anxieties, ask them about how they are feeling. Validate those feelings, talk about them, and make helpful suggestions. Brushing aside their concerns will only make them stress out more. Provide a forum of comfort where they feel they can tell you anything.
Offering constructive coping mechanisms is a healthy method of dealing with fear rather than stifling them and just telling them everything will be OK.
Talk to Their Teachers
Teachers really get to know their students fairly quickly and can offer insight into their struggles. Because they spend so much time with them, teachers can guide your children in acclimating to the new environment. Check in with their teachers periodically to see how they’re coping and if they are doing well socially as well as academically.
Teachers can keep an eye out and ensure your child is moving along well in their educational journey. If there’s a problem at home, tell the teacher. They should be kept in the loop, and vice versa.
Contact All Star Movers and Storage
When facing a move with the kiddos in Dublin CA and surrounding areas, call us at 925-257-0707 for a free quote. We can help make the adjustment go smoothly.